We are taught that God is loving and merciful. I very much want to believe that, but where is the evidence of his mercy? I look for it, but only see the opposite. Examples include:
1. Jesus, the son of God was cruelly tortured and crucified. Where was God's mercy for his own son? If he had no mercy for this own son, then how could he be merciful to us?
2. 70 million people were killed in World War 2. Millions more were wounded with some suffering from their wounds for the rest of their lives. Where was God's mercy? Why didn't he interfere and stop the extreme carnage?
3. Where was God's mercy for the people killed and wounded in all wars past and present?
4. Where was/is God's mercy for the millions of people past and present who have suffered horribly from Cancer? From paralysis? From Multiple Sclerosis? From Lou Gehrig's disease? From Polio? From Covid? From the Spanish Flu? From mental illness? From all other human diseases from which humans suffer?
5. Would you agree to punish criminals by forcibly pressing one of their hands on a hot stove for one minute? Of course not!! Then why, given the fact that we are taught that all humans are imperfect and are sinners, does God punish some people forever in eternal hell? Imagine one day of such punishment? Then imagine a thousand years!! A million years!! A billion years!! A trillion years!! A hundred trillion years!! A hundred trillion years repeated 100 trillion times and still not ever done!! How could a loving and merciful God condone that and not stop it? Since every person in hell has a mother and a father, then how can a parent in heaven be eternally happy if their child is in hell?