Evolution and Creation
1. Some people don't believe in God.
2. Some people who believe in God don't believe in Evolution.
3. Some people believe, per counting the human generations and ages listed in the Bible, that the Earth and the entire Universe is only 6,000 years old.
All are wrong for the following reasons:
1. Remember the old cliche - "Which came first - the chicken or the egg?" You can't have an egg without an adult male and female chicken at the same time having bred it. You can't have the first adult male and female chicken unless they were eggs first. So either way, the first adult chickens had to be "created" or if they started as eggs, the eggs had to be "created". Same principle applies everywhere, but most especially to humans. Look at a newborn human baby. Totally helpless and dependent on it parents, a newborn baby could not survive on its own. So the first human baby needed an adult male and female human to copulate to create the first baby. Logically, those two first human adults who created the first human baby - how did they come to be if they were never babies themselves? Only logical answer is that they have to be created and in an Earth that is 24,000 miles in circumference, they had to be near each other too.
2. Once created, evolution can occur later through environmental and other factors. After all, we are one human species but have evolved into different skin colors through living in either hot or cold climates for many thousands of years. We know that different skin color humans are one and the same species as we can share blood and body organs when health issues require that to survive.
3. Science has proven that the light from stars that reach the Earth have traveled, depending on how far away from Earth they are, thousands of years in some cases to get here, millions of years in other cases, and billions of years in some cases. So how can the Universe be only 6,000 years old?
Also, if you believe that just the Earth is 6,000 years old, then explain dinosaurs. We know from extensive fossil records, that dinosaurs existed and were huge. It would have been impossible for humans to survive in a world of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible, nor in human history. So if the Earth is only 6,000 years old and there's no human history of them, then did they only exist for 100 years and died out? Not realistic.