Another clueless news story that never answers the question posed in the headline, namely the cause and responsibility of high inflation. As a person who majored in Economics in college, here are the facts logically analyzed to conclusions:
1. Energy Costs
Under Trump, we were energy independent for the first time in decades. Costs for gasoline, electricity, heating and air conditioning were cheap.
Joe Biden, on the first day of his Presidency, restricted energy drilling in America. Consequently, we were no longer energy independent and had to get a significant part of our needed oil supplies from other nations at more expensive prices and higher transportation costs to ship it thousands of miles over oceans. Plus it was dirtier fuel to burn than American fuel. Energy costs are a big part of producing and transporting goods and services. So everything was negatively impacted with higher costs that were passed on to consumers.
2. Interest Rates
Covid, which started in earnest in 2020 during Trump's Administration, was nobody's fault but it negatively impacted our abilities to work, shop, and use restaurants. To counter the impacts of Covid, Trump had to vastly spend money to prevent Economic collapse. That significantly raised deficits to two trillion dollars a year. Huge government deficits require higher interest rates to attract people to buy government bonds to cover our deficits because the risk of a future government default is exponentially higher. Higher interest rates impact production and services costs, causing prices to rise to cover the increased costs. The housing industry is especially negatively impacted by this, and so is the cost of food. For the most part, Covid was over in terms of the number of people impacted when Biden took office. Federal budgets needed to get rid of extra 2 trillion dollars in Covid spending and go back to pre-Covid 2019 federal spending levels. Instead Biden didn't cut the spending and consequently interest rates kept going up and is the reason for America's high interest rates.