Getting it Right - Welcome

The goal of this blog is to publish my thoughts on a variety of economic and political topics in the hopes that people who find them educational or beneficial will utilize them and/or forward to others who might find them interesting and/or worthwhile to promote to others, possibly including politicians who can push some of these ideas to fruition. The topics in my blog are meant to be of value on a long term basis, not a daily diary or political issue of the day log. If the information posted is useful to you, by all means utilize it and/or forward it as you see fit. If not useful, then merely ignore it. There are no universally agreed upon truisms and too little tolerance between some of those with opposing viewpoints to successfully convince the people with hardened opinions to move away from them. I am an analytical type person who will try to be as factual as I am able.

I disdain the current popularity of name calling and condemnation of viewpoints with no factual alternatives or logical solutions given that I see so often. If you don't have a solution based on fact and logic, then opt out of the discussion because you have nothing to contribute. My background is a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and 39 years working in middle management jobs for a major retailer. My opinions are forged on the personal experence of life, family, friends, and work as well as triumphs and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learned from. My hope is that this blog helps you.

My first topic will be about personal finance. I chose that one first because most of us work long and hard just to survive but not all of us realize our dreams of becoming financially independent from the labors of our work. Much of our political votes/thinking also focus on the economy and in particular how well we are personally doing financially.

It is relatively simple, without sacrificing the enjoyment of living for 'today' and even at moderate incomes, to retire as a millionaire or multi-millionaire, if you focus on that goal consistently from a young age. It is also simple to ensure that your child or grandchild retires rich. It merely requires a one time gift of just $2,000 invested wisely and the passage of time. Please read my first post on this blog to learn more.

An index/schedule of past and future posts and their dates will always be updated so that it becomes the first post that you see below. If the date of a post that you wish to read is preceded by the word "Posted", then find it below or click on the title in the Blog archive to review.

Blog Archive

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Index of Posts

1. Achieving Personal Wealth Goals (Updated 11/12/2012) 

2. Saving and Improving Social Security (Posted 2/2/2008)           3. Balancing the Federal Budget (Posted 2/13/2008)                 4. Trade Deficits (Posted 2/27/2008)                                                  5. Taxes (Posted 3/13/2008)                                                      6. Federal Reserve Policy and Actions (Posted 3/28/2008)

7. History Lesson – Democrat or Republican? (Posted 3-31-2008)
8. Capitalism (Posted 4/13/2008)
9. The Business Cycle (Posted 4/28/2008)
10. Health Care (Posted 5/14/2006)
11. Government Pensions and other Benefits (Posted 5/28/2008)
12. War and Peace (Posted 6/16/2008)
13. Reducing Crime (Posted 6/29/2008)
14. Religious Issues (Posted 7/13/2008)
15. My Pet Peeves (Posted 7/31/2008)
16. Fascists Hiding in Clear View (Posted 8/13/2008)
17. Environmental and Global Warming Issues (Posted 8/30/2008)
18. Affirmative Action and Diversity (Posted 9/16/2008)
20. Oil Company Profits (Posted 10/1/2008)
21. Was America Right to use the Atom Bomb in WWII? (Posted Oct 21, 2008)
22. Saving Social Security Alternative.
23. A Theory of everything
24. Why we don't believe Islam to be a peaceful religion.
25. The Poisoning of America
26. The National Debt Crisis - An Analogy
27. Climate Change? - Do the Math to unveil this Fraud (Posted 4/19/2012)
28. Lazy Person's Guide to Investing
29. Better Spouse Survivor Options at No Cost for Social Security (Posted 9/1/2012)
30. Cost of a Government Job (Posted 9/3/2012)
31. Your Share of the National Debt (Posted 9/5/2012)
32. CBS Ignores Climate Change Truth (IBD Publication)
33. The Ice Is Right (IBD Publication)
34. Can Anyone Explain why Blacks and Hispanics overwhelmingly support Democrats?
35. Federal Debt -Urgent To Unsustainable To Insane (Posted 9/10/2012)
36. Democrats' Unfair Income Tax Cuts Complaints – Taken to Its Logical Conclusion
37. Famous Quotes by our Founding Fathers
38. The Hidden Costs To You of Taxes, Government Loans, and Subsidies (posted 9-19-2012)
39. The Ticking Time Bomb - Unfunded Government Liabilities
40. Being Better Prepared for Natural Disasters
41. Random Thoughts - Questions without Good Answers
42. Beyond Stupid – Laws and Policies of the US Government
43. Income Tax Reform
44. Climate Change Facts
45. How to Cut Government Spending
46. Social Security Inequity toward Working Spouses
47. Ending the Welfare Mess
48. Conducting Fair Presidential Primaries
49. False Claims that Blacks are Trapped in Poverty
50. Fixing Medicare Fraud
51. Better Social Security Benefits at No Expense to Government
52. Why Raising the Minimum Wage Never Works
53. A State with No Republicans
54. Bond votes - An Information Black Hole
55. How to Fix Government Pensions
56. Decisions that the Unemployed Should Quickly Make
57. Unions Should Be Banned
58. Social Security Unfair Taxation
59. Immigration Reform
60. Black Killings - The Real Problem.
61. Political Correctness - The Hallmark of all Dictatorships
62. If I ran for President
63. How NOT to Unintentionally Disinherit Your Children
64. Student Loans
65. Causes of the Great Depression and the Great Recession
66. The Importance of Perseverance
67. Eliminate All Federal Subsidies
68. How Does US Health Care Compare to other Nations
69. Never let Politics Determine Your Family and Friends
70. Invest in Roth IRAs, not Traditional IRAs, plus use Roth Conversions
71. Student Loans
72. Usage and Morality of the Atom Bomb In World War Two
73. Medical Marijuana Needs to be Legalized Everywhere
74. Judges and the Constitution
75. Gender Pay Gap Myth
76. Immigration Reform
77. The Democratic Party – The Party of Slavery and Discrimination
78. Illegal Voting
79. Roth versus Traditional IRAs and Tax Bracket Insignificance
80. Investment Advice for Novice Investors
81. Guidelines for a Happy Marriage
82. Improving Our Public Schools
83. How Much Savings Needed for Retirement
84. Illegal Immigrants - How to Handle Effectively and Fairly
85. Veterans Health Care – How to Improve
86. Police Shootings - Who's Guilty
87. Vegans and Vegetarians Kill more Animals than Meat Eaters
88. The Top 10 Economic Lessons for America with Explanations
89. The Top 10 Laws and Policies Needed in America
90. Federal Tax Cut Historical Impacts on Annual Tax Revenues 5 Years Later
91. Marriage - Keeping the Romance Alive
92. We All Won Life's Lottery
93. Affirmative Action and Diversity are Code Words for Discrimination
94. Dixiecrats and the Democratic Lie that the Political Parties Switched Platforms
95. The Democratic Party has Morphed into America's Communist Party
96. Questions and Thoughts I Never Expressed in Parochial School
97. Doctor Visits
98. Nuclear Power and Waste and Environmentalists
99. Investing – Don't Squander the Giant Advantages of Youth
100. Middle Class Wages Have Not Been Stagnant for Decades
101. If I addressed the United Nations
102. Annuities - Stay Away
103. Minority Advancement – Government Handouts Are the Problem
104. Israel and Palestine – The Universal Consequences of War
105. Eliminate All Federal Subsidies
106. Medical Care is "Rationed" in Europe and Canada
107. Identity Politics – The Truth versus the Democratic Lies
108. A Good Example of Why Socialism Always Fails
109. All Governments Have No Money
110. Major Reasons Why Health Care Costs Are So high
111. Business Cycles – How They Work and Why
112. Black Reparations For Slavery
113. Oil Drilling Off Of Our Shallow Continental Shelves
114. Illegal Immigration and Democratic Unconscionable Actions
115. Federal Budgets – How to Pass One Every Year
116. People Are All the Same Race
117. Evolution and Creation
118. Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs – Basic Definitions with Explanations
119. Taxes and IRAs and 401Ks – Don't be Fooled by the Government
120. Inherited IRAs Withdrawals – Strategy for New Rules in 2020
121. Medicare For All – A Terrible Idea
122. Why Do We Still Allow Discrimination in America?
123Millennials – Socialism is the Most Failed Economic System in Human History
124. Capital Gains Taxes on the Sale of your Home
125. Guidelines on How to Prevent Violence and Deaths in Confrontations with Police
126 How to Avoid Poverty.
127. Racial Issues - Lying With Statistics that Evade the Problem Instead of Solving the Problem
128. Democrats – America's Only Racist Party – Just the Facts, No Opinions
129. The History of Slavery and Public Statues
130. Police Killings – The Truth
131. Poverty – How to Avoid It
132. Stop Taxing Social Security Benefits
133. China - Time to Disengage Completely
134. Financial Advisors - Just Say No
135. Mail in Voting - A Recipe for Cheating
136. How the Democratic Party Tricked and Betrayed Black People
137. How to Stop Illegal Voting
138. Racial Income Inequality is Self-Inflicted
139Social Justice Protests Are Deeply Flawed and Consequently Won't Work
140.  How To Pass Annual Federal Budgets 
141. Retirement – How to Really Help Americans
142. America – Thank God that We are NOT a Democracy
143. California - Imposing a Liberal Democracy
144. End Social Media Censorship
145. Judges – Don't Allow Them to Steal Your Freedom
146. Credit Card Impact of Making Only Minimum Payments
147. Restoring Confidence in Voting Results
148. Socialism – Why It Always Fails
149. Productivity is the Key to Jobs, Raises, Promotions, and Wealth
150. Stock Market Pull Backs – Did You Really Take a Loss
151. Outlaw All Government Pensions
152. When Are We Going To Stop Taxing Social Security Benefits
153. Election Fraud and How to Minimize It Through New Constitutional Amendments
154. The Number One Reason for the Disparity between Black and White Household Income Levels
155. Vegans and Vegetarians Kill more Animals than Meat Eaters
156. The Number 1 Reason Why Blacks Are Poorer Than Whites
157. Tax History Lesson # 1
158. Tax History Lesson # 2
159. Poverty Statistics
160. Proof that Voter ID is not a Problem
161. Needed Constitutional Amendments
162. Needed Welfare Reforms
163. A Proposed Alternative to Home Bankruptcy
164. One Person - 70+ million Deaths
165. Get rid of foreign language requirements in high school and college.
166. Outlaw Ranked Choice Voting.
167. Ron Puma's Federal Taxes Plan – A Better way to Collect Taxes
168. Social Security Tax Benefits of Roth IRAs
169. Skin Color
170. Why is it so Difficult For Retailers to be in Stock 100% of the Time
171. My Christmas Wish List
172 Voter Fraud Cheating Rights Bill
173. We are so  much better off then our Ancestors
174. Hot Water Tank Energy Consumption
175. Genders
176. History of War
177. Tax deadlines and Fines
178. Questions I Wished I Asked When I Was In Parochial School
179. Discrimination is Immoral and Should be Forever Outlawed
180. Modern Life – We Take So Much For Granted
181. Gender Identity Realities
182 Non Working Spousal IRAs
183 Solo 401K for Business Owners
184. Communist Economic systems have all failed
185. Family History Questions I Wish I Had Asked My Parents and Grandparents
186. Crime – Let's Get Serious About How to Prevent It
187. Big Bang Theory – There's A Problem
188. Evolution – There's A Problem
189. Where is God's Mercy?
190. Failures of Joe Biden and the Democrats
191. How can the human race be so smart and so stupid at the same time?
192. What I don't like about cell phones
193. How many ancestors do you have?
194. Social Security Taxes Value If Invested
195. Retirement Expenses
196. A Loving and Merciful God – True or False?
197. Democrats and Electric Cars
198. America's Federal Debt as of January 2023.
199. The Fair Way to Conduct Presidential Primaries
200. House Mortgage Warnings and Guidelines
201. Protect Our Police
202. Texts need to go the way of the Dinosaurs
203. Black Economic Inequality - What the News media Are Hiding
204. True Cost of Credit Card Minimum Payments
205. Democrats are Weaponizing the Media , FBI, and Attorney Generals to Attack Republicans Unfairly
206. All nations headed by a dictator are not legitimate governments
207. Mass Shootings and Gun Control
208. The Many Problems with Electric Vehicles
209. Joe Biden's Job Performance the First 27 Months
210. Black People Reparations Have Been Paid in Full
211. Watching TV is No Fun Anymore
212. The Real Heroes of Our Quality of Life
213. The Debt Ceiling and How to Responsibly Eliminate It
214. Retirement has been an Evolution
215. Doctors - Here's Where to Look For a Tinnitus Cure
216.  Social Security Is A Mindless Shameless Government Bureaucracy
217. Tinnitus Marketing Videos Follow the Same Script
218. Catholic Religion Contradiction
219. Abortion
220. The Most Dangerous Cities in America Are Run by Democrats
221. World Population Growth History and Challenges
222. Black Households with Children Income Differences Between Married and Unmarried
223. Everything is Relative
224. Evolution and Creation
225. 2024 Inflation - Who is Responsible - Trump or Biden
226. Do the Wealthy Pay their Fair Share of Taxes?
227. 2024 Trump Policies That Will Benefit You

2024 Trump Policies That Will Benefit You

                                          2024 Trump Policies That Will Benefit You

1. Reducing tax rates for people and corporations.

Your take home pay will go up as will your standard of living as a consequence. Corporations will have more money to expand their businesses and thus grow the economy. Plus corporations will have more money and opportunities for new hires, raises, and promotions. Plus they will be more competitive with foreign corporations, increasing exports and thus jobs in America. Plus foreign companies, as they did when Trump lowered taxes in his first term as President, move more production to America thus increasing job opportunities for Americans. Finally, historically, Federal tax revenues will increase faster with lower tax rates due to more people working and paying taxes.

2. Repealing Energy Drilling Restrictions imposed by Biden-Harris.

We became energy independent during the first Trump Presidency due to his energy policies. Harris-Biden restricted energy drilling causing energy prices to rise which significantly increased the cost of production and services, plus the cost of driving a car and heating and cooling your home. That fueled massive inflation that has hurt all of us. We are no longer energy independent due to Harris-Biden and must buy much more expensive and dirtier fuel from other nations. Inflation will only increase further under Harris as has proposed abolishing fracking which will lead to higher oil imports and more inflation.

3. Repealing the laws requiring auto makers to switch from gasoline cars to battery cars in the near future.

Battery cars are much more expensive to purchase than gasoline cars. Most Americans need and depend on cars for necessary daily transportation. Being forced to purchase battery cars will significantly lower the standard of living of the poor and the middle class. In addition to that, if all cars were battery cars, America has nowhere near the supply of electricity to charge them. Let's also not forget that electricity is generated by fossil fuels, so battery cars are not "energy friendly". Also, their batteries are prone to fires and putting a battery operated car in your garage is a fire risk.

4. Trump will again pull America out of the disasterous Paris Climate Accord.

Trump did that in his first Presidency. Harris-Biden reversed it and rejoined the Paris Climate Accord. This will result in America paying trillions of dollars in "carbon taxes" and hand it over to "developing nations". It is beyond stupid and unaffordable!! Trump will get us out again.

5. Trump Immigration Policies.

America cannot handle the huge influx of millions of illegal immigrants coming here each year. Illegal immigration was much less under Trump policies and he did not need that ridiculously stupid proposed legislation to not do anything about illegal immigration until it reached a point of exceeding 5,000 illegals a day (over 1.8 million a year). We don't have enough housing for all these illegals which is driving up the cost of housing for all of us. Plus, by driving up labor supply, illegals keep wages lower for many of us than otherwise would be if the supply of labor for jobs did not have all these illegals in it.

6. Imports and Export Control Via Tariffs.

Under the first Trump Presidency, by threatening retaliation tariffs for the high tariffs other nations imposed on America's exports, Trump got Mexico, Canada, and much of Europe and Asia to lower their tariffs on American exports. This resulted in a boom for American exports creating more jobs. More work needs to be done. Harris refuses to do it. Trump will get it done.