Getting it Right - Welcome

The goal of this blog is to publish my thoughts on a variety of economic and political topics in the hopes that people who find them educational or beneficial will utilize them and/or forward to others who might find them interesting and/or worthwhile to promote to others, possibly including politicians who can push some of these ideas to fruition. The topics in my blog are meant to be of value on a long term basis, not a daily diary or political issue of the day log. If the information posted is useful to you, by all means utilize it and/or forward it as you see fit. If not useful, then merely ignore it. There are no universally agreed upon truisms and too little tolerance between some of those with opposing viewpoints to successfully convince the people with hardened opinions to move away from them. I am an analytical type person who will try to be as factual as I am able.

I disdain the current popularity of name calling and condemnation of viewpoints with no factual alternatives or logical solutions given that I see so often. If you don't have a solution based on fact and logic, then opt out of the discussion because you have nothing to contribute. My background is a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and 39 years working in middle management jobs for a major retailer. My opinions are forged on the personal experence of life, family, friends, and work as well as triumphs and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learned from. My hope is that this blog helps you.

My first topic will be about personal finance. I chose that one first because most of us work long and hard just to survive but not all of us realize our dreams of becoming financially independent from the labors of our work. Much of our political votes/thinking also focus on the economy and in particular how well we are personally doing financially.

It is relatively simple, without sacrificing the enjoyment of living for 'today' and even at moderate incomes, to retire as a millionaire or multi-millionaire, if you focus on that goal consistently from a young age. It is also simple to ensure that your child or grandchild retires rich. It merely requires a one time gift of just $2,000 invested wisely and the passage of time. Please read my first post on this blog to learn more.

An index/schedule of past and future posts and their dates will always be updated so that it becomes the first post that you see below. If the date of a post that you wish to read is preceded by the word "Posted", then find it below or click on the title in the Blog archive to review.

Blog Archive

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Illegal Immigrants - How to Handle Effectively and Fairly

Most illegal immigrants are coming here to better their lives, not because they are in mortal danger. A few, possibly, but not most. That's why we currently have asylum procedures at legal ports of entry. Illegally sneaking over the border outside of these legal ports of entry is done because they know that they have no case for asylum or for remaining in the US. Let's make some effective, common sense changes to our immigration laws that rewards people who come here legally and has zero tolerance for those who do not.

Yes, for the families who sneaked illegally across our borders, keep the children together with their parents and/or accompanying adults, and also photograph, fingerprint and DNA them, then immediately deport them without a hearing, plus make it the law that they will never be allowed in the US for any reason again, while instituting a policy of checking those seeking asylum at our borders against those records. Also, change the asylum laws. If that's what a person or family wants and believes they deserve, then apply at a US Embassy, not at a legal point of entry. It has to be quicker, cheaper, and faster to get to a US Embassy within their own country then to cross through Mexico for weeks to get to the US. If the embassy approves, you're allowed in; if not, you go home. Also photograph, fingerprint and DNA the ones approved to ensure that the approved people come here, and not others with that paperwork. Always remember, for non-asylum reasons, we already have procedures and laws that allow over one million new immigrants a year to enter the U.S. LEGALLY with a path toward citizenship – that's more than all other nations on Earth combined!!

Also, for those who come here legally and temporarily on a visa, but then stay past their visa date and tell nobody, also expel them, but first take their photo, fingerprints, and DNA sample. Make exceptions for those who may have been incapictated medically to leave or notify anyone on time. For those who request a visa extension before the visa runs out for common sense reasons, such as the need to repeat a failed college course in order to qualify for a degree, grant the extension.

Finally, for all illegals currently under the radar and in our nation, pass a new law - no jobs, no public education, no drivers' licenses, no house nor apartment rentals or purchases, and no government benefits. Pass another law giving them 9 months to get out from the date of passage and publish it massively. If they don't get out within the 9 months, when caught, have the government take all their possessions – houses, cars, furniture, money, bank and brokerage accounts, then send them back with just the clothes on their backs. The 9 month delay is a humane measure intended to give them ample time to sell homes, cars, businesses, etc. and keep their wealth before deporting themselves willingly. Mexico once had a similar law for many years to keep Central Americans from emigrating to comparatively “rich” Mexico and it was very effective. Last point - pass laws with extensive jail times for all politicians and police who won't work with federal authorities on identifying and transferring illegals in their custody, and also any American citizens who knowingly assist illegal immigrants to stay here and avoid immigration authorities.

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