Getting it Right - Welcome

The goal of this blog is to publish my thoughts on a variety of economic and political topics in the hopes that people who find them educational or beneficial will utilize them and/or forward to others who might find them interesting and/or worthwhile to promote to others, possibly including politicians who can push some of these ideas to fruition. The topics in my blog are meant to be of value on a long term basis, not a daily diary or political issue of the day log. If the information posted is useful to you, by all means utilize it and/or forward it as you see fit. If not useful, then merely ignore it. There are no universally agreed upon truisms and too little tolerance between some of those with opposing viewpoints to successfully convince the people with hardened opinions to move away from them. I am an analytical type person who will try to be as factual as I am able.

I disdain the current popularity of name calling and condemnation of viewpoints with no factual alternatives or logical solutions given that I see so often. If you don't have a solution based on fact and logic, then opt out of the discussion because you have nothing to contribute. My background is a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and 39 years working in middle management jobs for a major retailer. My opinions are forged on the personal experence of life, family, friends, and work as well as triumphs and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learned from. My hope is that this blog helps you.

My first topic will be about personal finance. I chose that one first because most of us work long and hard just to survive but not all of us realize our dreams of becoming financially independent from the labors of our work. Much of our political votes/thinking also focus on the economy and in particular how well we are personally doing financially.

It is relatively simple, without sacrificing the enjoyment of living for 'today' and even at moderate incomes, to retire as a millionaire or multi-millionaire, if you focus on that goal consistently from a young age. It is also simple to ensure that your child or grandchild retires rich. It merely requires a one time gift of just $2,000 invested wisely and the passage of time. Please read my first post on this blog to learn more.

An index/schedule of past and future posts and their dates will always be updated so that it becomes the first post that you see below. If the date of a post that you wish to read is preceded by the word "Posted", then find it below or click on the title in the Blog archive to review.

Blog Archive

Monday, June 22, 2020

Democrats – America's Only Racist Party – Just the Facts, No Opinions

Democrats – America's Only Racist Party – Just the Facts, No Opinions

The Democratic Party was founded in 1829 to preserve slavery.

In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that Blacks were property with 7 Democrats for to 2 Republicans against.

Democrats started America's Civil War to preserve slavery in which 600,000 Americans were killed (more than both World Wars combined at a time when our total population was a lot less).

After losing the Civil War, Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan, instituted over 100 years of segregation and discrimination to keep the former slaves terrorized and on the Southern Plantations as cheap labor. They also prevented blacks from owning property.

Democrats voted 100% against giving Blacks the right to vote.

When they lost that battle, Democrats imposed voter poll taxes and literacy tests to stop Blacks from voting.

In 1964, Democrats blocked by filibuster the Civil Rights Bill for 75 days until Republicans garnered enough votes to break the filibuster.

After they lost that battle, Democrats created massive welfare programs, not for the benefit of the poor, but with the stated intention by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson to keep Blacks voting Democratic for the next 200 years.

Prior to the massive welfare bills, 3 out of 4 Black babies were born to married parents. Today, 3 out of 4 Black babies are born to single parent households, thus destroying the Black family unit.

50% of single parent households live in poverty compared to only 10% of married households with children living in poverty.

Democrats today are against school choice, denying parents the freedom to better educate their children through Charter schools and improve their prospects for a secure financial future.

Through welfare programs and lack of school choice, Democrats have succeeded in keeping many Blacks on what has accurately been labeled “The Government Plantation”.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Racial Issues - Lying With Statistics that Evade the Problem Instead of Solving the Problem

Racial Issues - Lying With Statistics to the Detriment of All

Statistics don't lie, but it is very easy to lie and distort the truth using statistics. Every comparison I see about the “inequities” by race utilizes the proportional “national” sizes of each racial population to make comparisons that conclude that Blacks are discriminated against on the particular issue being reported. These comparisons never talk about the real causes for these differences. In the interest of actually coming up with solutions that will actually work to reduce and eliminate racial disparities, let's examine some of these causes:

1. In the most current and emotional issue of the day – police killings of Blacks is decried, using total racial population differences, to be twice the rate of Whites killed by police:

This comparison deliberately ignores “root cause” and is therefore statistically meaningless. Now for the truth. Police deal one on one with “ law breakers”, not total population. Consistently, year after year, Black crime rates based on their population is about 8 times the national average. What that means for police killings by race is that a White criminal is more likely to die in a police killing than a Black criminal. In other words, the real truth is being ignored and purposely distorted by the media and liberals for political purposes.

2. Black prison population is out of proportion compared to Whites based on total racial population:

Answered in point 1 – Black crime is 8 times the national average. That's why the prison population is skewed heavily toward Blacks. What are we supposed to do – arrest and jail innocent White people so that the prison racial populations will reflect total national racial populations?
3. The Truth - Police have a very demanding job and overall do it very well:
Finally on this issue, with all the hatred currently misdirected onto all police for the sins of a very few bad cops, let us always remember that, based on population size, a cop is 25 times more likely to die in the line of duty than a Black person is likely to be killed by police!! 25 times!!!!

4. Blacks, on average, earn less money and have less wealth than Whites:

There are several reasons for this.

A. The most basic reason is that Black educational achievements are the lowest of any race. In relation to total population, Blacks drop out of high school in far greater numbers relative to race population than any other race. Blacks enter and graduate college at the lowest rates relative to race. This result is despite the fact that Black populations are largest compared to Whites in big cities. Why is that important? In America, we spend more on public schools than any other nation on a per student, per year basis. The national average is about $10,000 per year per student. In many big cities where Black populations are statistically higher compared to Whites than the Black national population, the average spent per year per public school student is about $20,000 each, double that of the national average!! We are putting the resources there for all races to achieve success. Blacks are not fully taking advantage of those resources and it is up to them to do so.

B. Blacks have a higher unemployment rate than Whites. True, but the reason has already been explained. Blacks lag in educational achievements by a wide margin. In the real world, as should always be the case, jobs and income are simply not given out by race. It has to be “individually” earned. Many people of all races have figured this out and are successful because they went out and earned it. That's the way, for the benefit of all of us, it should always be.

C. It is a statistical fact that only 10% of married households with children live in poverty. The poverty rate of single households with children is roughly 50%!! Back in the 1960s, prior to the start of the Democratic “Great Society” welfare programs, 3 out of 4 black babies were born to married parents. Today, just the opposite, 3 out of 4 Black babies (and 1 out of 4 White babies) are born to single parent households – the engine of poverty!! This is easy to understand as a cause of poverty. A married household with children has two potential income earners and two people who can care for the child. A single parent household has only one person to be both the income earner and the person taking care of the child. Two parents are likely to be in a better position to earn income and stay out of poverty than one parent. See link:

D. In the only statistical comparison that matters, the fact is that people, no matter their race or gender, with the same educational levels and years of experience on the job, essentially earn the same income. That should not be a surprise. That's been the law for over 50 years. The current political nonsense of coming up with just one national pay rate to utilize as an income “comparison” by race or gender by putting people of all types of jobs, full time and part time, along with high school drop outs and graduates, plus college dropouts and graduates together to come up with one statistical pay rate by each race or gender is utterly and totally statistically meaningless!

E. Black home ownership rates are the lowest of all races in the US. Of course they are for all of the reasons previously explained above.

5. Health Disparities by Race:

There are several making the rounds.

A. Black women die in childbirth at a higher rate than White women. Teenagers die in child birth at a higher rate than women in their 20s to 40s. Teenage births, comparatively speaking, are higher for Blacks than any other race. There's your root cause.

B. Covid-19 deaths are much higher for Blacks than Whites. Very easy to explain. Covid-19 deaths are proportionally higher in cities than rural areas. We've already established, that based on population, Blacks live disproportionally in big cities.

C. Blacks, on average, die at younger ages than Whites. Obesity rates, a leading cause of disease and death is much higher for Blacks than Whites. See Link:


Unless Blacks address and fix the issues documented here, then 50 years from now, nothing will have changed, nor should it change. The opportunities are there for each of us to achieve progress, success, and parity with all other races. There is nothing to stop anyone in America from being successful in life. Millions have proven that from all races. We have even had a Black President elected and re-elected. America is the greatest nation in the world, not due to handouts, but due to the freedom, perseverance, and hard work of its people to earn and achieve great things. Go for it!!!

Monday, June 15, 2020

How to Avoid Poverty

Take full advantage of the public school system. Study hard, aim for good grades, persevere, behave in school, and graduate high school. Parents – it is your job to monitor their school work and discipline your children as required so that they achieve these goals.
Next, continue your education with either college or skills training for good, non-college jobs.

Only 10% of married parents with children live in poverty while roughly 50% of single parents live in poverty. Easy to understand – two potential household workers and two child care takers have more potential for income than one. So do not have children unless you are married. Children with fathers, especially teenage boys, are more likely to finish their education and less likely to get in trouble.

Live within your means:
Never use credit cards unless you can pay them off entirely each month. Credit card interest rates are so steep that, in time, they can double or triple the actual price you initially paid to purchase goods and services with credit cards. Same is true with the Pay Day Loan services. Don't use them. Homes and cars are normally people's largest expenses. Buy what you need and can afford, not what you dream. Especially cars, buy much cheaper used cars with warranties over more expensive new cars. Doubly true if your annual miles driven is low.

Go to Colleges that you can actually afford:
College costs can be astronomical at some schools. If you or your parents can't afford them without borrowing huge sums of money, then go to a more affordable college such as Community Colleges, some State Universities, and online colleges. Live at home if at all possible to save room and board college costs. Work part time when taking classes and full time during summer recess.

Persevere hard at your job:
Whether college educated or not, you are in competition with your peers for promotions and raises. Strive to be the best that you can be at your job. Also, strive to learn and gain the skills needed for higher paid positions. Never quit your current job until you have been hired for your next job.

Save and invest at least 10% of your income:
Avoid as best you can living paycheck to paycheck with no savings. Read again the Live within your means section if necessary. You need savings for emergency living expenses that will come up, eventually buying a house if that is your goal, vacations (only take vacations you can afford without borrowing), retirement (you will have a lot more money for retirement if you start young in your early 20s with 401Ks and IRAS than if you wait until your 40s or later), and peace of mind. Favor Roth IRAs and 401Ks over Traditional ones. Better to pay a small tax now instead of a large one later. Learn how to invest in the stock market.

Tips for the Novice Investor:
Here are some tips to help the novice investor. Never buy individual stocks - they can go to zero or just stagnate far longer than any stock market, plus you are not smart enough to know when to get in or out. Buy pooled assets such as mutual funds, ETFs, and index funds and hold onto them for decades without selling. Only have a small amount to invest - The S&P 500 ETF index (SPY) is all you need. It reflects the stock market trend which over the past long run has averaged 10 to 11% average annual growth or a doubling "average" every 7 years. SPY is composed of 500 of the largest stocks ( virtually no risk of all 500 going to zero), is cheap to buy (about $5 to $7 at most brokerage houses) and has the added value of being able to buy or sell it instantly during open market hours (as do all ETFs; mutual funds buy and sell prices are calculated after the market closes and if you buy them after the market closes, then your price is determine after the next day's stock market close which is why it is better to buy these within the last hour the market is open but not too close to the end). Want a technical stock market play also - buy the ETF - QQQ, which reflects the top Nasdaq 100 stocks (heavily weighted toward technical companies, but not only technical companies).

As your wealth and experience increases, to attain more investment diversity – try the ETFs – MDY (S&P 400 Mid-Caps) and SLY (S&P 600 small caps). For additional diversity and balance, there are also “growth” and “value” versions of the S&P 500 indices - just put a “G” for growth, or a “V” for value at the end of them (SPYG, SPYV, SLYG, SLYV, MDYG, and MDYV). Note that growth and value funds over the long run achieve about the same results. In the short run, growth outperforms value funds when the general stock market rises, but value funds outperform growth funds when the general stock market falls.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Guidelines on How to Prevent Violence and Deaths in Confrontations with Police

1. Do not break any laws.

2. Never physically attack police (with your fists, hands, or body, projectiles, firecrackers, fire bombs, vehicle, weapons, or other means).

3. Follow police instructions faithfully when given to you.

4. Do not run or drive away, yell at, or verbally attack police. Keep your voice calm and low.

5. Do not resist police handcuffs – you will get your day in court to defend your innocence should that occur.

Always Remember:

1. Before mass protesting publicly which often leads to violence,property damage, businesses and job lost, and often people hurt or killed, remember that all deaths at the hands of police are investigated and if guilty, police are punished and/or sent to trial and the guilty police to jail. Given that there are about 800,000 police, over 18,000 police forces nationally, and 13 million arrests annually, plus the fact that there are no “perfect” humans, in numbers that huge, there will always be rare cases of police misconduct or criminality. When this happens, never paint all police as violent or criminal on the basis of one person's actions. You would never want another person's bad or criminal actions attributed to you too. We are each solely and individually responsible for our own actions and not collectively guilty of other people's actions.

2. We live in a modern, technological world of instant news. Instantly transmitted provocative videos of police violence, often incomplete as to everything that occurred or even sound, can never and should never result in instant retribution. That's called a lynch mob – something we never want to see in America. The wheels of justice necessarily move slower than instant news. That is a good thing that protects all of us so that a proper investigation can occur and if justified, the proper charges can be filed. In America , we are all innocent until and unless found guilty in a court of law. You would not want it any other way for yourself.

3. Police killed on the job, as a percentage to total police population, is many times higher than the percentage of people by population killed by police by race. Police work in a high stress job, where sometimes necessary split second decisions often mean the difference between their living or dying. Police do not have the luxury of time in these types of situations that we do when later reviewing and judging these situations and their outcomes to carefully ponder the “Should I or shouldn't I react” split second decision that police must sometimes make.