In America, both our Constitution and our laws by which we are governed were passed by legislatures at either city, state, or Federal levels and signed into law by mayors, governors, or Presidents, all of whom we elected to serve our will. In essence, we the people are in charge of our government.
Judges are mostly non-elected officials whose sole duty is to enforce the Constitution and laws as written. To do otherwise, with the exception of laws that violate the Constitution, is to take our freedom away to govern ourselves. No sane person should ever tolerate that. Yet, we have so called “liberal” judges who take it upon themselves to reject the clearly written intent of our laws and Constitution and instead of enforcing them, they instead “interpret” them to fit their own personal political ideology. By doing so, they've taken away our freedom to govern ourselves. No matter what our political party allegiance, all of us should be adamantly against judges who make their own laws instead of enforcing our laws as written. Vote out of office those politicians who support appointing liberal judges to do the job that politicians we have elected are supposed to do.
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