Needed Constitutional Amendments
Present and pass each one of these Constitutional Amendments individually. Do not group together as one Amendment where dislike of one amendment could keep the others from passing.
1. English is the only Official language of the United States of America. No person can become a naturalized citizen without proficiency in the English language. No government documents including voting ballots can be printed in a language that isn't the English language.
2. Any person who came of comes to this nation illegally or who stays beyond their approved stay in America without permission, exceptions for medical emergencies, will be fingerprinted and DNA taken, immediately deported without trial along with their minor children if any no matter what their citizenship, and their adult children if also here illegally, and then never permitted back in the US for any reason.
3. Mail in ballots will not be allowed for anyone except military personnel and Ambassador staff working in overseas US embassies.
4. No one is allowed to collect voting ballots for other people and turn them in.
5. Anyone convicted of intentional voter fraud will be executed. No exceptions.
6. Computers and the Internet will not be allowed to be utilized to record or count votes or communicate vote counts.
7. Voter, photo ID issued by state or Federal government is required to vote. All driver's licenses will indicate whether the driver is a citizen or legal resident. Anyone else is not eligible for driver's licenses or passports.
8. No person in this country illegally may receive government welfare nor government benefits of any type, nor work at a job, nor rent or buy an apartment or house, nor attend public school.
9. The U.S. will no longer accept refugees. Those who wish to emigrate to this country must follow the same procedure as everyone else and start their request at a US Embassy, while staying in their own country until permission is granted to emigrate.
10. Those guilty of smuggling illegal aliens or drugs into this country, or engaging in slavery or sex trafficking will be executed. No exceptions.
11. All political parties with more than 10% of the primary vote total will be allowed to submit their winning candidate in the actual election. No political party will be allowed to submit two or more candidates in the actual election for any given political seat.
12. No discrimination based on race, color, or ethnicity is allowed for any reason. That includes the banning of reverse discrimination policies such as Affirmative Action and Diversity programs. No teachings claiming that America is a racist nation will be allowed in our schools and businesses. No teachings that Whites are privileged or inherently racist will be allowed either.
13. The Federal government must submit balanced budgets each year and not spend more that it receives in tax revenues. To assist in this goal, all Federal subsidies are eliminated and none will be allowed in the future. Also, if Congress and the President cannot agree on a budget for the new fiscal year, then the government will use last year's budget, minus 10% except for Defense and Social Security which will be set at 100% of last year's budget. In addition, all Congressman, Senators, and the President will receive no pay until a budget is passed and they will not get back pay for lost wages once a budget is passed. until a budget is passed. There will be no closing of the Federal government due to a lack of a budget.
14. Government employees will not receive pensions, including Congressmen, Senators, and the President. Instead they will have the opportunity to open 401Ks and the government will contribute 5% of their salaries each year to the 401K. All existing workers at the time this Amendment passes will receive a pension buyout into their 401K equivalent to the terms utilized in private industry. Retired employees are not impacted and will continue to receive their pensions.
15. No overtime pay for government employees who are at a management or professional level equivalent to what defines those same/similar job descriptions in private industry. At those levels, just as in private industry, overtime without pay is an expected part of a management or profession job.
16. Healthy welfare recipients must work in order to receive government benefits. If needed, the government will give them a menial job at no pay. If they want pay, then find a non-government job or a legitimate existing government job not intended for welfare beneficiaries.
17. Schools may not promote students to the next grade that have failed the course material. They may help them pass through after school detention programs to work on their school assignments and/or studying, and summer school classes. If a student fails to be promoted to any grade (whether the same or a different grade) for the second time, the family will be referred to family court to determine if there is a home environment problem that needs to be addressed. Students must be 18 or older to drop out of school if they still haven't graduated high school.
18. Given that the Economy is consistently the number one political issue in Presidential elections and that many adults need and/or want to learn how to budget and how to save and invest, public schools will require such subjects to be taught in schools in order to prepare them for their future life as self supporting adults.
19 Social Security consists of one pension program and two welfare programs (disability and welfare for children of parents where one parent has died). It is and always has been a pay as you go system despite being falsely categorized as an investment system. The pension program should match SS tax levels to SS benefit levels. The two SS welfare programs need to be moved to the General budget side where welfare programs belong and where a progressive tax rate exists to support them.
20. All US born citizens will have $10,000 invested for them in a special government bond with the same interest rate as regular government bonds that the Treasury department cannot take over. Instead the money will be invested in stock market indexes and given out annually at a 4% level when they reach 65 for whatever is higher – the interest rate dollar total or the stock market dollar total. That should help those who worked hard all their lives at relatively low pay as well as those who have average or better than average pay have a better retirement without excessive costs to the government. If any money is left upon death, it is reinvested by the government into this program so that it becomes partially or wholly self supporting in the future.
21. On civil lawsuits, loser pays all expenses including opponent's attorney fees.
22. Governments at all levels are banned from regulating wages.
23. Social Security benefits may not be taxed, nor counted as income on income tax forms.
24. All deposits and withdrawals from IRAs and 401Ks are tax free.
25. Inheritances may not be taxed. That would be double taxation as the assets inherited were bought from income that was previously taxed.
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