Getting it Right - Welcome

The goal of this blog is to publish my thoughts on a variety of economic and political topics in the hopes that people who find them educational or beneficial will utilize them and/or forward to others who might find them interesting and/or worthwhile to promote to others, possibly including politicians who can push some of these ideas to fruition. The topics in my blog are meant to be of value on a long term basis, not a daily diary or political issue of the day log. If the information posted is useful to you, by all means utilize it and/or forward it as you see fit. If not useful, then merely ignore it. There are no universally agreed upon truisms and too little tolerance between some of those with opposing viewpoints to successfully convince the people with hardened opinions to move away from them. I am an analytical type person who will try to be as factual as I am able.

I disdain the current popularity of name calling and condemnation of viewpoints with no factual alternatives or logical solutions given that I see so often. If you don't have a solution based on fact and logic, then opt out of the discussion because you have nothing to contribute. My background is a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and 39 years working in middle management jobs for a major retailer. My opinions are forged on the personal experence of life, family, friends, and work as well as triumphs and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learned from. My hope is that this blog helps you.

My first topic will be about personal finance. I chose that one first because most of us work long and hard just to survive but not all of us realize our dreams of becoming financially independent from the labors of our work. Much of our political votes/thinking also focus on the economy and in particular how well we are personally doing financially.

It is relatively simple, without sacrificing the enjoyment of living for 'today' and even at moderate incomes, to retire as a millionaire or multi-millionaire, if you focus on that goal consistently from a young age. It is also simple to ensure that your child or grandchild retires rich. It merely requires a one time gift of just $2,000 invested wisely and the passage of time. Please read my first post on this blog to learn more.

An index/schedule of past and future posts and their dates will always be updated so that it becomes the first post that you see below. If the date of a post that you wish to read is preceded by the word "Posted", then find it below or click on the title in the Blog archive to review.

Blog Archive

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Retirement Expenses

 I'm trying to give you some perspective of what you might face in retirement expenses versus income.

Never expected that in retirement that my largest expense would be insurance. About $13,600 a year for house, car, umbrella (in case you get sued for millions of dollars such as in a car accident), Medicare, Medicare Supplemental, Medicare prescriptions, and Dental. Despite all that insurance, out of pocket medical expenses still totaled over $7,000 despite all that insurance coverage (over $4,200 for prescriptions and non-prescription medications, $1,600 for doctors, and over $1,100 for dental). Fortunately, our house is paid off so we don't have a mortgage expense though property tax adds over $6,400 a year (would be more, but frozen for 10 years due to our age in our residence county - may not be frozen where you live or if you buy another house after you've been retired a while). The other two large expenses were Utilities (electricity, heat, air conditioning, and water) and Groceries - both over $9,000 a year. Leaving out over $11,000 for restaurants as that is more of a controllable than the others. We are fortunate enough to have enough savings to afford our expenses, but so many retired people have little or no savings. Shows the importance of saving for retirement starting at a young age.

Those out of pocket expenses total $45,000 (over $56,000 when restaurant meals are included) and there are many day to day expenses not included in those numbers that total over $20,000 (some optional such as lawn and maid service; others less optional such as phone, TV, internet, repairs, major purchases, clothes, etc.). We did no vacations due to Covid the last 3 years, but normally that has been the most expensive optional expense as we used to do 3 to 4 vacations a year. Our expenses in retirement have been more than when we were working due to the optional, frequent vacations we took in retirement.

This is why I preach about the importance of saving for retirement, plus give you an idea of what you will likely face in expenses relative to income when retired (though both would be higher then due to normal inflation, but the relationship between them likely will be similar). Now we do receive over $50,000 a year combined in Social Security income ((2/3rds me; 1/3rd my wife in SS income) because most of my career I paid out the maximum in Social Security taxes . Most married couples don't pay out in SS taxes and therefore don't receive that much in SS benefits. Singles receive SS income (and pay out SS taxes) much less. 

Also keep in mind, that when one spouse dies in retirement, the surviving spouse loses the lower monthly Social Security check. That can reduce SS retirement income by 33 to 50% (50% when both spouses paid the maximum SS taxes when working and thus each received the maximum SS benefit in retirement), but your monthly expenses won't go down anywhere near that amount (will mostly remain the same).

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Social Security Taxes Value If Invested


To arrive at the calculation of what would Social Security be worth for a 23 year old by the time he reaches age 65 (42 years later), several facts are vital to analyze:

1. Each individual pays 6.2% of his income in Social Security taxes up to $142,800 annual limit.

2. The employer of that individual matches the 6.2% in taxes paid bringing the total to 12.4% taxes paid for each individual.

3. In addition to social security pensions, SS pays out welfare benefits for disabled workers and dependents, and widowed survivors with children.

4. 76.1% of total Social Security taxes paid goes to SS retirees. Therefore 76.1% of 12.4%, or 9.36% of the 12.4% paid are devoted to retirement. The rest goes to welfare programs.

5. So if it were possible to invest 9.36% of your income in actual investments for age 23 to 65 (42 years), what would your retirement benefits be? Note in the past some government institutions were allowed to do this (no longer) and the results were much better than regular Social Security benefits.

6. The long term average growth of the stock market is 10 to 11% or a doubling every 7 years. Some 7 year periods do better; some do worse, but string 4 to 5 of those 7 year periods together consecutively, that's your average. Therefore in 42 years, your investment would double 6 times. Every $1,000 invested annually would amount to $64,000 each year for 42 years in a row. $2,000 invested would amount to $128,000.

7. Relative to point 6, for both safety, minimum cost, and performance, only invest in large stock market index ETF funds such as the S&P 500 largest stocks - SPY , the S&P 400 Mid-Size stocks – MDY, and the S&P 600 Small Size stocks – SLY, plus the Nasdaq Top 100 stocks – QQQ (kind of a technology investment). Hold forever; don't sell and buy repeatedly (those who do that average only 4% growth annually). There are also growth (add G to the end of the symbol) and Value (add V to the end of the symbol) versions of the 3 S&P index funds mentioned.

8. For a person making $30,000 a year, that works out to $2,808 invested a year. By age 65, a 23 year old would be looking at receiving $179,712 for each of 42 years of retirement, and that assumes that person never got a raise in 42 years!! Otherwise, the total would be dramatically higher.

9. A 23 year old person making $45,000 a year, would be investing $4,212 a year and therefore looking at collecting $269,568 a year for 42 years at age 65 without any raises during his working career. Likely many raises and therefore much more invested and collected. Plus, very importantly, his estate will own all that money not yet collected when he/she dies and be distributed to his beneficiaries!!

10. A 23 year old person making $60,000 a year, would be looking at collecting $269,568 a year for 42 years at age 65 without any raises. Likely many raises and therefore much more collected. Plus, very importantly, his estate will own all that money not yet collected when he/she dies and be distributed to his beneficiaries!!

11. A 23 year old person making $75,000 a year would be investing $7,020 for his retirement and therefore looking at collecting $449,280 a year for 42 years at age 65 without any raises. Likely many raises will come and therefore much more collected in retirement. Plus, very importantly, his estate will own all that money not yet collected when he/she dies and be distributed to his beneficiaries!!

Final Note:

None of your Social Security taxes collected have ever been “invested”. That's because when Social Security was started in 1937, the taxes collected were used to pay benefits for retirees who were 65 or older who had never contributed to Social Security (as it did not exist when they were working). There was never any chance to invest the SS taxes collected. It was always, effectively, a “pay as you go” system. Even in years when a surplus of SS taxes are collected, relative to SS benefits paid out that year, the excess money is transferred out of the Social Security Budget to the Treasury Department, which then transfers the money to the General Budget where it is immediately spent and an “IOU” generated allowing the government to “pay back” SS in the future when taxes collected are less than benefits owed, by “borrowing” the money by selling Treasury bonds.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

How many ancestors do you have?

 We tend to think of ourselves by our surname. For example I am a Puma. However, only one of my two parents was a Puma, only one of my four grandparents was a Puma, only 1 of my 8 great grandparents was a Puma, etc. Every generation I go back, doubles the number of my ancestors, but the number of Puma's remains only 1 for each generation back. If I go back 10 generations, then I have 4,094 total ancestors of which only 10 were a Puma.

The other interesting factor is that going back in time a few thousand years, would produce billions of ancestors or many more people that lived on Earth at that time. How is that possible? It's called Pedigree Collapse. No matter what your surname, we share many of the same ancestors as it was not unusual for related people such as second cousins with the same ancestors to marry in the past. More on this in the following article:

Sunday, October 23, 2022

What I don't like about cell phones

 What I don't like about cell phones:

1. Two of my cars were hit and totaled in 15 months by people driving while on cell phones going through red lights that had been red for quite a while. Both times my wife suffered pain for weeks.
2. Fact - Cell phone drivers are 6 times more likely to cause an accident than drunk drivers.
3. It is faster and easier to communicate to someone by calling them rather than texting them. Don't want to hear that annoying "ding" by others texting the cell phone. Use emails instead!!
4. Phone screens at movie theatres are very distracting when trying to watch a movie. How rude and selfish!!
5. People in a group together are using their cell phones to communicate with others not in the group or just look up stuff when instead of talking to each other. How rude!!
6. More and more, can no longer use computers to sign up for entertainment shows and bring a paper receipt to get into the show; must instead use an app on a cell phone. You now lost me as a customer.
7. Can't call for a ride with a regular phone; must use a cell phone that is connected to the internet.
8. Hate photos and videos taken by cell phones that have huge left and right black margins much bigger than the picture itself. Should be all picture with no margins!!

Friday, October 21, 2022

How can the human race be so smart and so stupid at the same time?

 How can the human race be so smart and so stupid at the same time?

We live in a world of technological wonders unimaginable to our ancestors that we just take for granted and shouldn't. We have cars, trains, planes, motorized ships, boats, and submarines. Also, land line phones, cell phones, TV, radio, cameras, music players, CDs, DVDs, computers, the Internet. Plus heated and air conditioned homes, electricity, electric and gas appliances including ovens and cooktops, microwave ovens, artificial lighting, safe hot and cold water on demand, working tubs, sinks, showers, and toilets connected to effective sewer systems. Modern farming that provides us with an amazing amount of food. Our medical advancements are remarkable compared to our ancestors.

In other words, we have the capability to live in a human paradise, but we don't because we still have wars, crimes, and dictatorships that brutally suppress our freedoms. Again, how can we be so smart and so stupid at the same time?

Friday, September 2, 2022

Failures of Joe Biden and the Democrats

 Failures of Joe Biden and the Democrats:

1. Very high inflation (10%) including doubling of gasoline prices and worse.
2. Moving America from an energy independent nation to a nation dependent on our enemies for our total energy needs.
3. Immense, uncontrolled illegal immigration (two million illegals in a year) by stopping the border wall and failing to enforce our immigration laws.
4. Illegally depleting our emergency Strategic Petroleum reserves for a non-emergency.
5. Botching the Afghanistan withdrawal.
6. Supporting child castration, gender affirming surgeries, and child gender brainwashing attempts in schools, even threatening to take away Federal funds if they don't comply.
7. Baby Formula crisis in America and making it worse by sending baby formula to illegal immigrants at the border.
8. Pushing to lower tariffs on China imports despite their bad behavior and the benefits we received under Trump of moving jobs back to the US.
9. Pushing for all electric cars in the near future despite the fact that most Americans cannot afford them and our electric grid cannot support that quick transition.
10. Campaigning for President as a "Uniter" but loudly blasting Republicans instead.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Where is God's Mercy?


We are taught that God is loving and merciful. I very much want to believe that, but where is the evidence of his mercy? I look for it, but only see the opposite. Examples include:

1. Jesus, the son of God was cruelly tortured and crucified. Where was God's mercy for his own son? If he had no mercy for this own son, then how could he be merciful to us?

2. 70 million people were killed in World War 2. Millions more were wounded with some suffering from their wounds for the rest of their lives. Where was God's mercy? Why didn't he interfere and stop the extreme carnage?

3. Where was God's mercy for the people killed and wounded in all wars past and present?

4. Where was/is God's mercy for the millions of people past and present who have suffered horribly from Cancer? From paralysis? From Multiple Sclerosis? From Lou Gehrig's disease? From Polio? From Covid? From the Spanish Flu? From mental illness? From all other human diseases from which humans suffer?

5. Would you agree to punish criminals by forcibly pressing one of their hands on a hot stove for one minute? Of course not!! Then why, given the fact that we are taught that all humans are imperfect and are sinners, does God punish some people forever in eternal hell? Imagine one day of such punishment? Then imagine a thousand years!! A million years!! A billion years!! A trillion years!! A hundred trillion years!! A hundred trillion years repeated 100 trillion times and still not ever done!! How could a loving and merciful God condone that and not stop it? Since every person in hell has a mother and a father, then how can a parent in heaven be eternally happy if their child is in hell?

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Evolution – There's A Problem


Here's where I agree with Scientists:

Through natural selection, animals can change/evolve over time. We see this ourselves in human species. Normally, tall parents produce tall children and short parents produce short children. Facial, hair and other features (for example, big nose, blond hair, etc.) can also be transferred to children and grandchildren. Same would be true for animals.

Here's where I disagree with Scientists:

1. I do not believe that life can and did evolve from inanimate objects. If true, then prove it by creating life from inanimate objects.

2. How can all the body parts (brains, hearts, veins, stomachs, lungs, intestines, bladders, kidneys, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, arms, legs, fingers, reproductive organs, etc.) which must function together to sustain animal and human life develop separately over time and the human or animal remain alive?

3. Given the fact that in most species, including us humans, newborn babies cannot survive or be created without parents – a male and a female. For instance, the first human being could not have started as a baby. That implies that two adult humans, a male and a female, who were never babies, had to be created simultaneously in the same location on Earth, started the human race by having babies together. Otherwise, there could never be a human species. Same is true for animals, fish, and insects.

Big Bang Theory – There's A Problem

 Here's where I agree with scientists:

1. Before the Big Bang that started the Universe, there was nothing – no matter, no energy.

2. Energy and matter are interchangeable – the atomic bomb proved that.

Here's where I disagree:

Per the Big Bang theory, out of nothing, in an infinitely small space, an energy so hot developed that it exploded into matter creating all the mater in the universe.

1. First problem – you can't get something from nothing. So this incredibly hot energy in an infinitely small space which supposedly started the Universe, could not have come from nothing.

2. Second problem – not only something from nothing in an infinitely small space, but supposedly energy so hot that it created enough matter to create hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with 100 to 400 billion stars, plus even more planets and moons, plus countless trillions of black holes. That's an incredible amount of matter that supposedly came from one energy source contained within an infinitely small space (less than the size of a single atom). How hot must this first spec of energy from nothing be to create such a huge amount of matter? Inconceivably, impossibly hot!! Sounds more like a “God” theory to me that really created the Universe, but scientists won't admit it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Crime – Let's Get Serious About How to Prevent It

 Crime rates are high because we tolerate it. Let's have zero tolerance for crime in the future by putting real fear into those who are thinking of committing a crime. Here's how:

1. Murder someone – Death Penalty – No exceptions.

2. Try to murder someone and fail - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

3. Threaten to kill someone while holding a lethal weapon (for example robbing someone while holding a gun) - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

4. Recruit a minor to commit a crime (for examples gangs do this a lot) - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

5. Fight with or shoot at police - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

6. Throw rocks, molotov cocktails, fire crackers and other hurtful objects at police and/or others, and/or intentionally start fires of buildings and cars - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

7. Encourage others to harm other people - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

8. Drive Drunk and harm or kill someone - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

9. Drive while on a cell phone and harm or kill someone - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

10. Rape someone - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

11. Engage in massive phone and/or internet fraud - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

12. Kidnap a person, especially a child - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

13. Run away from cops without shooting or otherwise threatening them – Life Imprisonment.

14. Spying against the US - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

15. Treason - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

16. Election fraud (this literally amounts to treason) - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

17. Enter the US illegally – One year in jail, take fingerprints and DNA samples, deport and never allowed to enter the US for any reason again. Requests for refugee status must be made at American embassies, not in the US.

18. Escape from jail - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

19. Theft without using a legal weapon and not on a massive scale – Life imprisonment.

20. Sell or transport illegal drugs - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

21. Smuggle illegal aliens into the US - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

22. Child pornography, sex trafficing, force people into slavery - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

23. Pimp - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

24. Start a fight and/or physical abuse that does not result in death - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

25 - Accuse someone of a crime that you know he/she did not commit - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

26. Deliberately commit Perjury - Death Penalty – No exceptions.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Family History Questions I Wish I Had Asked My Parents and Grandparents


1. Please tell me all you know about the lives of your parents and grandparents, and also their brothers and sisters.

2. Please show me any photos of them and you that I've never seen.

3. Can we make a copy of these particular photos for my records plus write down the names of the people in these photos on the back of the photo.

4. On our family immigrants, why did they come to America?

Why did their other family members not come to America?

When were they born and what town were they from?

What else do you know about family that stayed in Italy, especially their descendants that are still there?

Are you still in contact with them?

5. Please tell me about family medical history/problems.

6. Did any relatives serve in the military? Were any that served in the military wounded or killed?

7. Is there any advice you'd like to give me?

8. Are there any regrets that you have that you'd like to share?

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Communist Economic systems have all failed

 Communist Economic systems have all failed:

1. Russia was the first to implement Communism. Consequently, Russians became desperately poor and miserable. Communism collapsed in Russia in 1989, freeing Russia and all the forced nations that were forcibly inducted into the Soviet Union at the end of World War 2. All are much better off now under Capitalism.
2. China was the second nation to adopt Communism. 10 of millions of Chinese starved to death after China banned private ownership of farms and moved to "Collectivazation". It converted to Capitalism in the 1980s. The percentage of extremely poor people in China in 1981 stood at 88.3%. By 2015 only 0.7% of the Chinese population was living in extreme poverty. In this period, the number of poor people in China fell from 878 million to less than ten million.
3. North Korea remains staunchly Communist. Millions of its people eat grass in order to survive. Its per capita annual wealth is $1.700. By contrast, capitalist South Korea annual per capita wealth is $42,765.
4. Cuba was militarily forced into Communism by Fidel Castro in 1959. Their economy collapsed and the people became desperately poor. Shortly after Castro died, they converted back to Capitalism and are doing better.
4. Venezuela was once the wealthiest nation in South America. Then it converted to communism/Socialism. Now it is poor, plagued with food shortages, and millions have left the country.
So then why do we have idiot liberal teachers and organizations such as Black Lives Matter (created by admitted Marxists using a Trojan Horse popular slogan to fool you into supporting them) preaching and trying to convert America from Capitalism to Communism? Be wise and learn from following history and don't be fooled believing the economic nonsense by these total Economic ignoramuses.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Solo 401K for Business Owners

 This may be a good option for any entrepreneurs out there running their own business with no employees (or employees working less than 1,000 hours a year). A solo 401K gives you a lot of room to catch up on building your tax deferred savings. The maximum contribution limit is huge - $58,000 in 2022; - $64,500 once you are over 50. And it can be set up as a Roth Solo 401K too (or a Traditional 401K though I don't recommend that). Here are relevant links:

Non-Working Spousal IRAs

 Non-Working Spousal IRAs -

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Gender Identity Realities

 There are only two “Biological” genders (male and female) that are determined at birth and they never change. The overwhelming majority of people understand that and agree with that. There are some people who mentally believe that their actual gender is different than their biological gender. These people have literally come up with dozens of these “mental” genders and assign themselves specifically to one of these dozens of mental genders and they want the rest of the world to acknowledge their mental gender and use it in every day life.

However, this “mental confusion” regarding gender on their part presents problems in the real world. Let's review those problems:

1. Physical health:

No matter what your mental gender, your biological gender determines some of your health issues and how to deal with them to keep you healthy. For example, a biological male has a prostate, no matter what his mental gender is. As a person ages, prostates can cause problems including prostate cancer and urinary issues, thus requiring medical help and prostate exams specific to your biological gender. Mental gender is irrelevant.

In a similar manner, a biological female, no matter what her mental gender, has breasts, a uterus, and ovaries – all of which can become cancerous, requiring medical help and preventive exams specific to her biological gender. Again, mental gender is irrelevant.

2. Sports Competition:

A biological male has 40% more muscle mass than a biological female due to all the space in a biological female's body devoted to reproduction. That's a fact that makes it totally unfair and unreasonable to allow biological males, no matter what their mental gender, to compete against biological females in sports. This is cheating and should never be allowed. Any historical sports “records” for female sports taken by biological males should be expunged and awarded to the biological females who competed.

3. Privacy, Modesty, and Safety Concerns:

Multi-person public bathrooms and locker rooms, for the safety, modesty, and privacy of biological females should be assigned and utilized strictly by biological gender designation.

4. Grammar:

Those with mental genders that differ from their biological gender reject the grammatically correct pronouns of his and her for addressing singular persons. They want people to use the grammatical incorrect “plural” pronoun “they” instead for a singular person. Not only is it grammatically incorrect, but it is confusing and non-instinctive, thus difficult to use.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Modern Life – We Take So Much For Granted

 Everything good in modern life had to be invented, built, and successfully distributed. Think of what we have now that a mere 200 years ago or less did not exist for our ancestors:

1. Clean water, toilets, sinks, and easy, safe disease free waste disposal and treatment.

2. Transportation ease – cars, planes, trains, buses, trucks, mechanized ships, rockets, satellites, space travel.

3. Telephones, cell phones

4. Photo and video cameras.

5. Radios, TVs, Movie theaters, CDs, DVDs, USB Flash Drives, video games.

6. Automated heating and air conditioning.

7. Washing Machines, Dryers, Dishwashers, tub and showers and hot water tanks to service them, plus Refrigerators and Ice makers.

8. Computers, personal computers, printers, fax machines, and the Internet.

9. Modern Medicine, X-Rays, CT Scans, MRIs, disease and other medical treatments that did not previously exist.

10. Electricity, light bulbs, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, modern ovens and cook tops.

11. Skyscrapers, elevators, escalators, mechanized, mechanical cranes.

12. Concrete and asphalt roads and highways.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Discrimination is Immoral and Should be Forever Outlawed

1. Definition of Discrimination - Treatment or consideration based on class or category, such as race or gender, rather than individual merit.

2. Yes or No - Do you agree that all Discrimination is morally wrong and should be outlawed? The right answer is Yes.

3. The selection of less qualified Blacks or Hispanics and/or women over people of other races or genders for the purposes of "Diversity" is very obvious Discrimination and should be forever outlawed.

4. Individual merit only should be the sole determination of who gets the job or job promotion or college admission or college scholarship.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Questions I Wished I Asked When I Was In Parochial School

 1. Every person in hell has parents. How can a parent in heaven be eternally happy if their child is in hell?

2. We humans are homo sapiens, one of twenty one species of humans, 20 of which existed before us and who had intelligence, including some wearing clothes and using fire to cook. Do those other extinct human species have an after life or just homo sapiens?

3. God knows everything each of us are doing every moment that we exist so that he can judge us worthy or not of heaven when we die. So that's 7 billion people today, speaking and thinking in hundreds of languages, plus 60 to 100 billion people that have already died and like one third of the Angels could still fall into sin, plus who knows how many other intelligent life species throughout the Universe exist. How does God handle those billions of deeds and thoughts every second of the day in hundreds of different languages, and also how does God have any time to have fun himself?

4. God knows everything that has ever happened in the past. So God would remember his very first thought ever. He then could date when that first thought occurred. Since God has always existed, that means for hundreds of trillions of years prior to his first thought, he had no thoughts. Must have been very endlessly boring.

5. When the 10 Commandments were given to Moses, the Sabbath Day was Saturday and one of the Commandments told us to keep it Holy. So since God never changed the Sabbath Day after the 10 Commandments were given to Moses, why do Christians use Sunday as the Sabbath Day?

6. How can a loving and merciful God allow people to be eternally punished to suffer very painfully in a horrible hell? Think about how long eternity is – hundreds of trillions of years repeated hundreds of trillion times is nowhere near as long as eternity. Doesn't sound very loving or merciful. Perhaps eternal hell was a Pope's idea to make people afraid of defying him or the Church and thus subservient to his wishes.

7. Even if a person ascends to heaven, after trillions of years in heaven, won't he/she run out of interesting things to do and become eternally bored?

8. No person is perfect. Only God is perfect. Therefore every person will commit sins. It is the teaching of the Catholic Church that the determination of whether a person spends their afterlife in heaven or hell depends on whether they had unforgiven sin at the moment of their death. So a person who has been extremely holy all of their life commits a sin and coincidentally dies instantly after sinning goes to hell while a person who has been very sinful all their life has a heart attack and just before dying sincerely asks forgiveness goes to heaven. Hardly seems fair!!

9. The Church believes in the 10 Commandments. Why did the Catholic Church ignore the Sixth Commandment – Thou Shall Not Kill – for hundreds of years, cruelly murdering millions of people? Why are some of the Popes who led this effort canonized as saints? Shouldn't they be in hell?

10. In nearly 12 years in parochial school, We never read nor discussed the Bible. Why?

11. There were actually 50 gospels, not 4. So how did these 4 get chosen. About 300 years after the death of Jesus, the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine, just before a battle that he won, saw a comet explode in the shape of the Cross. He did not understand that it was a comet and took it as a sign from God to convert to Christianity which he did. Since there were so many different essentially unorganized sects of Christianity, Constantine wanted to have one organized religion and use it to support and unite his empire. So he convened a meeting with different religious leaders to determine which gospels best supported his goals of empire. That's how those 4 gospels were chosen and the rest ruled as heresy, punishable by death to believers. He made Christianity the official religion of his empire to more firmly control his empire.

12. Why are there so few saints in the Catholic Church compared to the Earth's population? Shouldn't the overwhelming majority of us be going to heaven? If not, then why were we created? So that the majority or very substantial percentage of us would burn in hell forever?!! Would be better to never have been born then to involuntarily assume the risk of eternal hell.

13. Did the Virgin Mary, being married to Joseph, have children after Jesus was born?

14. The Virgin Mary never died, but instead Jesus came down from heaven later in her life, and carried her alive physical body into heaven. That raises a lot of questions:

a. As a human body, wouldn't Mary have froze to death in the upper atmosphere which is over 200 degrees below zero, and in space where it is roughly 400 degrees below zero.

b. For her body to survive in heaven, it must reside in a physical space with warmth and oxygen to facilitate breathing. Theoretically then, heaven must be a physical place and thus possibly could be found through exploration. Correct?

c. If Heaven is a physical place, then how do the dead, whose bodies remain on Earth, navigate it?

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tax Deadlines and Fines

 The main reason to file a tax extension is because financial companies have not sent you documents you need, such a K-1s, by the tax deadline in order to file an accurate tax return. Without these records, it is impossible to know the exact amount of money you owe the government in taxes. Yet, the government still wants to be paid the "right" amount of money by the tax deadline even with a granted extension to file your taxes. If you, because of these missing financial documents, under pay the final taxes you really owe, the government fines you for the "error" even though you have no control of when you receive these documents which are needed to accurately calculate the taxes you owe. Instead, the government should be forcing every financial institution to send the required documents to taxpayers way ahead of the April 15 deadline. January 31 should be the latest due date by law. If missed, the financial company needs to be fined, not the innocent taxpayer.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

History of War


Nearly every war in human history has been started by Dictators, be they royal (kings, queens, emperors), religious (Popes, etc.), military, or civilian dictators.



When it comes to genders, there are:

1. Mental genders (some say as many as 22 mental genders exist).

2. Physical genders – only 2 physical genders exist, male and female, determined at birth, and both physically and scientifically NOT interchangeable.

Important Differences of Physical Genders:

1. Physical Differences and Impacts:

A. Physical males have 40% more muscle mass than physical females due to the amount of body space given to reproduction for a physical female. This matters greatly for fair sports competition. Therefore, physical males should never participate in Women's sports. Mental gender is irrelevant. Physical males, whatever their mental gender, can still play sports. Just play sports organized by their physical gender.

B. For privacy, modesty, and female safety/protection reasons, physical males should also never use women's locker rooms nor women's public bathrooms. Mental gender is irrelevant.

2. Medical health.

A. Physical males have prostates and by a certain age should have regular prostate exams to check for cancer. Mental gender is irrelevant.

B. Physical females have breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, each requiring regular medical health screening by a certain age, and/or medical problems unique to physical females. Mental gender is irrelevant.

C. In getting a person pregnant, physical males and physical females have different roles to be successful. Mental gender is irrelevant.

D. Pregnancy and child birth can only be experienced by physical females. Mental gender is irrelevant.

E. Periods, menstruation, and hot flashes are only experienced by physical females. Mental gender is irrelevant.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Hot Water Tanks Energy Consumption

 Concerned about climate change? A home's hot water tank(s) is normally second (to heating and air conditioning) in a home's total energy consumption. How many of you leave your hot water tanks running all day and night? Gigantic waste of energy and expense if you do. Put timers on your hot water tanks and set them to run for only the times you generally use hot water. Keep in mind that even when off, a hot water tank, especially if well insulated, will keep its water hot for hours when not in much usage. Also, is your hot water too hot for your hands and body when you use it so that you have to mix it with some cold water? If yes, then lower your hot water tank's temperature. These are normally preset to 140 degrees. Turn it down to 120 degrees or less.

When you go on vacation or business trips, do you turn your hot water tanks off for the entire period that you are away? If not, what a waste of energy and money!! For electric hot water tanks, just turn off its circuit breaker when you are away, then turn it on when you return and change the time on the timer to the correct time (I usually leave myself a note to do that where I will see it when I return. Note - I am not familiar with gas hot water tanks so you may need to handle it differently.

Finally, hot water tanks may eventually leak water. That can be a real disaster when you return. Have a shut off valve installed on the water intake of your hot water tank. When away, turn that valve off, then turn it back on when you return (I also leave myself a note for this too). That way, if there is a leak, it will only leak the 40 to 50 gallons of water in the tank, instead of possibly thousands of gallons continuously when you're away for extended periods of time.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

We are so much better off than our Ancestors

 The overwhelming majority of our ancestors lived without:

1. Clean water, nor running water in their homes.
2. Sewer or septic systems (people in cities went to the bathroom in a bowl and threw the contents in the streets). Rural areas may have had out houses.
3. Cars, buses, trains, planes.
4. Electricity.
5. Automated heating systems.
6. Air Conditioning.
7. Phones.
8. Washing machines.
9. Good, knowledgeable medical care. Standard doctor practice for the very sick - deliberately bleed you to get out the "bad blood", thus often causing your death.
10. Television, computers, internet, credit cards.
11. Garbage Collection.
12. Soap which was not invented until the 1800s (used animal fat and oils as soap; used perfume to over power the smell of dirty bodies.).

Pretty much explains why until 1900, the average human lifespan was 45 years compared to about 80 years today.

In other words, the poor people in America today are infinitely better off than even the wealthy people who lived 200 years or more ago.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Voter Fraud Cheating Rights Bill

 Hey Joe Biden - Wake up!! The right to vote is already protected and is a non-issue. What you and Democrats are trying to do is pass laws that vastly increase the ability for voter fraud without being able to detect it. The current very cunningly but fraudulently named Voting Rights legislation will ultimately destroy our democracy if passed. Here are its horrible major points:

1. Stops states from requiring voter ID to vote (so how do you know the person voting has the right to vote?). Note 80% of Americans approve and want voter ID as a requirement to vote including the majority of Blacks and registered Democrats.
2. Stop states from purging voter rolls. Given the fact that over 40 million Americans move each year and over 3 million Americans die each year, there is a very obvious need to purge voter rolls to keep them accurate.
3. Protect and allow "voter harvesting". This is where one person collects voter ballots from dozens and even hundreds of people in their community and turns them in to be counted. Often they go to nursing homes where many patients are not physically and mentally competent to know what's going on.
4. It allows and encourages mail in voting. Every nation on Earth either forbids or heavily restricts mail in voting because it is very prone to fraud.