Productivity is the measurement of the change (up, down, or even) of the total goods and services produced at any level (nation, industry, company, person) divided by the number of workers at that level. The more productivity grows faster than price inflation, the more real wealth is produced. It is the growth in productivity that produces the wealth that enables companies and their employees to prosper. It is responsible for job growth, the ability to give larger raises, the need for more workers and more managers to lead those workers (thus more promotional opportunities), and consequently more wealth growth.
Workers seem to think that is the managers and owners that determine their wages and promotions. In actuality it is a company's customers that ultimately hire and fire workers and hand out the raises and promotions. Managers and owners merely allocate the will of the customers (or lack of them). So managers try to hire and promote the most productive workers that they can find and fire the unproductive workers. This productivity “process” produces the most wealth for a company, a nation, and its citizens. Capitalism is the ultimate producer of productivity and wealth and is the most successful economic system in human history, the only one to raise billions of people out of poverty. Socialism has no such incentive and is the reason why it is the most failed economic system in human history, leaving all of its victims desperately poor and therefore miserable.
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