The number one issue in my mind concerning the 2020 election is how do we amend the voting process in a way that permanently instills certainty and confidence that future vote counts will be accurate everywhere. The starting point must be developing and enforcing national standards that every state must follow. Here are my ideas.
1. Have a full proof system of keeping the list of registered voters accurate and up to date. This would involve updating the rolls of registered voters with every relocation and death event. Landlords, banks, real estate brokers, and funeral parlors would have to report moves (with one common form signed by the relocating adults involved, each indicating whether or not they are a registered voter) and deaths (signed by the funeral parlor director and a witness, preferably a family member) to a common national register and that register would be the ones that all states and territories utilize. In addition, this register would be checked and action taken if the same person voted in two or more locations.
2. Registered voters would be allowed to request mail in ballots for valid reasons such as poor health or vacation during elections. States would not be allowed to send mail in ballots to people who did not request them. All mail in ballots must be postmarked 10 days before the election date to insure that all are received by the election date. If there is a pandemic, then offer open tent locations to vote in person safely for those who want a safer way to vote.
3. All ballots whether mail in or not must be signed by the registered voter and the signature checked by the vote counters.
4. All voter polling places must require voters to show a government photo ID in order to vote.
5. All voter polling places must require election observers from each major party plus film the entire process from voting to counting at all times and provide that film to national authorities.
6. Forbid non-paper electronic voting machines. Too easy to program fraud and very hard to check. Use paper ballots. You can use machines to scan and count the paper ballots, but those machines must keep a record of each voter and who they voted for. After the machine has counted them, then a second check will be done, looking at randomly selected ballots (at least 10 per thousand ballots) and comparing each paper ballot to what the machine recorded for that same paper ballot to see if they agree. If even one error is found, then all the ballots must be recounted by hand. To avoid massive recounts, after every 1,000 votes, check the machine for errors. That way recounts are limited to 1,000 vote samples instead of possibly tens of thousands of votes.
7. There is no effective difference between an invasive army trying to replace the legally elected government of the United States and trying to do the same thing through intentional voter fraud. We would defend ourselves and shoot to kill an invasive army. We must treat voter fraud the same way. Anyone found guilty of intentional voter fraud would be executed – No Exceptions.
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